


Pax and Iris was set up by Pamela Scott, bringing global experience from a longstanding career across Performance Improvement, Operational and Supply Chain Excellence where she has worked in and with corporates, family businesses and charities across a range of sectors.

Looking to work with like minded ambitious business leaders, we are driven by helping make positive change happen from improved performance to the bottom line, by sharing our knowledge, experience and ideas.

We work closely with our clients in many different ways helping them quickly unravel complex challenges, creating a clear path forwards and advising on how to take business change plans, into action.

Using hands-on in-industry experience, a multitude of practical learnings and some simple concepts, we approach problems with tenacity and a no-nonsense approach to working together.

As achieving great performance always starts with ourselves we have written a book to guide the reader through some self reflection, identifying what they really want from their life and some techniques to how to achieve this!

Find out what we do, our book and get in touch.


What We Do

Depending on your challenge, your vision and outcome, the scale of change you need, your company and your team, there are a number of ways that we can help you improve the performance of your people, your processes and/or your technology:

  • Advisory positions on Boards and Leadership teams

  • Business performance improvement consultancy projects

  • Performance training of individuals and team

  • Learning tools - one of which is our book (profits from sales donated to local charities)

Find out more about our values , our book and get in touch.


Our Values

We have 3 core values that underpin how we work:

Performance: we believe that every business can and should operate at peak performance through people, process and technology.

Partnership: we know that great outcomes are built on great relationships. We are focused, agile, trustworthy and open.

Enjoy: we love helping businesses succeed and make positive change happen - economically and emotionally for everyone involved.

Our book and Get in touch


Our Book


How to Live your Best Life at Home, at Work and with Others’ is for those looking to understand who they are, to identify what they want out of their life and to learn techniques on how to achieve it. It’s for those who are looking to make the most out of every minute and reach their dreams!

The book has been written in two parts, the first part helps the reader through some self-reflection and articulating what their ‘best self’ and their ‘best life’ is and the second part gives guidance on how to achieve what they want.
This book of around 130 pages has been developed by a team of 4, who between them, have successful careers in large and small companies, been self-employed and led, coached and trained highly successful individuals and teams.

The inspiration for this book was to capture ……………….
the stuff we would have wanted to know earlier in life to pursue our dreams and ambitions’

Our book can be purchased in 3 formats and profits from the sale of our book will be donated to local charities.

Book - Soft Cover Edition
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Book – Hard Cover Limited Edition
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